Opinion | Editorial Board

The Duke Chronicle

Quantifying impact

Our generation is the most compelled that change is needed, but also the least compelled to step outside of social norms to embody that change.

The Duke Chronicle

Belle Knox revisited

With the release of a new Lifetime movie centering around the dramatized life of Miriam Weeks, better known as the Duke porn actress, Belle Knox, conversation over the 2014 scandal has been stirring on campus.

The Duke Chronicle

A regrettable case

Although not lawyers, we as a Board find several faults with the conduct of McKenna’s lawyers and the composition of their argument. 

The Duke Chronicle

Democracy in the age of Trump

Those familiar with my political engagement know that I regularly criticize some segments of the American Left for drifting away from the democratic norms that have founded this country.

The Duke Chronicle

Wild West Union

Every day, I feel as though I have to deal with annoying people on campus. Either leaving from class or just trying to get some West Union noodles, someone decides they have to bother me.